HC Deb 16 May 1911 vol 25 cc1823-4

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether the Army Council have decided to publish a periodical entitled "The Army Review"; whether it is proposed that this periodical shall be self-supporting; and, if not, whether he will consider the advisability of expending any such sums on the extension of the Service periodicals which already exist rather than in establishing a, competitive and official journal?

Colonel SEELY

It has been decided by the Army Council to enlarge the scope of the quarterly official publication entitled "Recent Publications of Military Interest," which will in future be called "The Army Review." It will be printed at: the public expense, but it is hoped that the moneys derived from its sale will eventually cover the cost of publication. The advisability of utilising existing journals was fully considered, but it was decided that the purpose in view could not be attained without establishing an official journal.


Who will take charge of the publication?

Colonel SEELY

I cannot say at present, but I have no doubt he will be an eminent and distinguished man.


What are the actual considerations which led to the decision to enlarge the present periodical?

Colonel SEELY

We ask our officers now to keep themselves abreast of modern information in regard to the science of war. The periodical contains many items of interest, and it was thought that the officers could not really keep abreast of the time without having the official publication.


Is it proposed to pay?

Colonel SEELY

No, Sir; it is not proposed to pay.