HC Deb 11 May 1911 vol 25 c1355

asked whether the right hon. Baronet has yet received any formal complaints and particulars respecting the congestion of shipping at Buenos Ayres resulting in loss and injury to British shipping, commerce, and employment in this country; and, if he has, will he state what action he proposes to take with a view to remedying this state of affairs?

Before the right hon. Baronet answers my question, I should like to thank him for his courteous communication to me which I did not receive until after this question was put on the Paper.


As the hon. Member is aware. I have received the information he himself sent me. His Majesty's Chargé d'Affaires at Buenos Aires was recently approached by a deputation representing shipping interests, and has been authorised to make friendly and unofficial representations to the Argentine Government on the subject.