HC Deb 10 May 1911 vol 25 cc1208-9

asked under what authority the Irish Local Government Board authorise under sealed order the expenditure by boards of guardians of moneys out of the local rates for the purposes of emigration; how long the practice has been in operation; how many applications have been received by the Local Government Board for authority to expend money for emigration purposes; how many of such applications were granted and the total sum expended under such authority, and how many people were enabled to emigrate from Ireland; and the names of the boards of Poor Law guardians which applied for authority to expend money for such purposes?


Under Section 20 of the Poor Relief (Ireland) Act, 1849, the Local Government Board may authorise, under sealed order, the expenditure by boards of guardians of moneys out of the local rates for the purposes of emigration. The first consent under seal was given on 28th December, 1849. The total amount to which the Board had given their consent under this Section up to 31st March last was 162,001 11s. 4½d. The total number of persons assisted to emigrate up to that date was 44,899, comprising 5,848 men, 20,948 women, and 18,103 children. Details for the several years since 1849 will be found on page 397 of the Board's annual report for the year 1907–8, and page 230 of their report for the year 1909–10. The information under the other heads indicated is not available, and could only be obtained by an elaborate search through the records of the Board since the year 1849.


Does the right hon. Gentleman not consider having regard to the deplorable facts shown by the statistics of emigration, that this policy of depopulating Ireland, initiated in 1849, should terminate as soon as possible?


I quite agree with the hon. Gentleman as to the deplorable character of the facts. I can assure the hon. Member that expenditure will not be authorised unless absolutely necessary. I am quite in agreement with the hon. Member's views as to the deplorable character of the facts.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that only within the last week £65 was sanctioned to send people out of Ireland?