HC Deb 09 May 1911 vol 25 c1033

asked the number of sorters in the Foreign section, not on the acting overseers' list, who have performed overseer duties during the past five years; what is the total number of days performed on such duties; and how much has been paid in substitution as a result?

Captain NORTON

Thirteen sorters in the Foreign section, not on the acting overseers' list, have performed overseers' duties for a total of 1,000 days during the last five years. The sum paid to these officers in respect of substitution has been £1 19s. 11½d. Up to 1908 substitution payment was only made after the completion of six months' continuous performance of the higher duties. Since 1908 it has been made after the completion of a period of fifty-six days in each calendar year.


asked the number of hours extra duty performed by sorters attached to the Foreign section during the month of March, and the cost of the same?

Captain NORTON

Fourteen thousand nine hundred and thirty-three hours of extra duty, at a cost of £968, were worked by sorters attached to the Foreign section during the month of March. A revision of the force is now in course of preparation, and, as usual, the opportunity will be taken to abolish overtime as far as circumstances will permit. In anticipation of this revision an increase of force is being provided.