HC Deb 08 May 1911 vol 25 cc829-30

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will state the total amount of light dues collected from shipowners or agents during the year ending 30th December, 1910; the amount expended on lighthouses and lightships round the coast of Great Britain and Ireland during the said year; the balance remaining; and what has become of it?


The accounts of the General Lighthouse Authorities are made up to 31st March in each year. The total amount of light dues in respect of the United Kingdom received during the financial year 1910–11 was £460,810, but it is not possible to state what the expenditure was until the accounts have been received and audited. The hon. Member will see from the accounts of the General Lighthouse Fund for the year 1909–10, which were presented to Parliament on 24th November last, that the receipts from light dues in respect of the United Kingdom for that year were £453,249 1s. 9d., and the expenditure £509,581 0s. 2d., the deficit having been met by the sale of securities and the reduction of the balance in hand.