HC Deb 08 May 1911 vol 25 cc850-3

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether the following estates have been offered to the Congested Districts Board, namely: Captain M`Ternan's and Colonel Molloy's; whether the following large ranches: Cleen farm, held by Mrs. Bridges, Lyonstown farm, held by Mrs. Devine, Corderry farm, held by Mrs. M`Keon, Derrytowvey farm, held by Mrs. Lynn, Derrycashel farm, held by Mr. N. Johnston, and Clooncluffer farm held by Lord Kingston, have also been offered for purchase; and whether the Congested Districts Board will secure the ranches for enlarging the small holdings in the parish of Ardcarne?


The Congested Districts Board inform me that Captain McTernan is willing to negotiate for the sale of his property to the Board, but that the necessary forms and maps have not yet been lodged by him. The Board have communicated with Colonel Molloy, but no reply has been received from him. Mrs. Bridges is understood to be a tenant purchaser. Mrs. Devine, Mrs. McKeon and Mrs. Lynn have not been asked to negotiate for sale, as from the representations made it did not appear that they were owners in fee. The Board have no information as to the estate of Mr. N. Johnston. The lands of Clooncruffer are not included in the lands for the sale of which Lord Kingston has instituted direct sale proceedings before the Estates Commissioners under the Irish Land Act, 1903.


Is there any other district in the whole of the United Kingdom where the population is so sparse?


asked whether any, and, if so, what reply has been received by the Congested Districts Board from the owner or agent of the estate of Mr. Myles O'Mahony, in the parish of Tuogh, county Kerry, with reference to purchase negotiations?


No reply has yet been received by the Congested Districts Board in this case.


Will the hon. Gentleman see that the Congested Districts Board communicate again with the agent or the landlord?


asked what progress, if any, has been made with the negotiations undertaken by the Congested Districts Board for the purchase of the Knight of Kerry's estate in Valentia?


A communication has been received from the agent to the landlord stating that maps and forms are being prepared in this case.


asked whether during the interview of the Congested Districts Board officials and the tenants, in October, 1908, as to the terms of purchase of the estate of Sir Henry Blosse, county Mayo, it was agreed that the tenants were to pay 31 per cent. interest in lieu of rent from the date of purchase until the lands were vested in the tenants; whether, notwithstanding this arrangement, the tenants have since been called upon to pay the old rents in full; and whether the Board will now withdraw the demand made upon the tenants to pay a half-year's rent in May and proceed forthwith to have their holdings vested in the tenants?


The arrangement made in the case of the Lynch Blosse estate was that all holdings of £10 rate-able value and upwards which the Con- gested Districts Board did not find it necessary to take possession of or alter would be sold to the tenants as soon as the estate was vested in the Board. On settlement of the rent and arrears due, it was arranged that the amount of interest on the purchase money which accrued from 1st November, 1908, to the date of signing of the purchase agreement would be calculated, and that credit would be given for payments made in the interval. If in any case the payment exceeded the interest which accrued at 3½ per cent., the overpayment would be refunded. The Board are quite prepared to carry out this arrangement, and they have the maps ready for the resale of the holdings, but the land certificate has not yet been issued by the Registrar of Titles to the Board, without which the resale of the estate cannot be proceeded with. From recent inquiries it is believed that the land certificate will be issued in a short time, and the resale will then be proceeded with at once.


asked whether the tenants of uneconomic holdings in the townlands of Bohenagh, Ballinhoe, Bunbee, and Forgegreens, on the estate purchased by them from Lord Kilmaine in the year 1904, were induced by the landlord to sign purchase agreements on the representation that they would get extensions of their holdings when the neighbouring Blosse estate was acquired by the Board; and whether, now that the Blosse estate has been so acquired, the Board will give those tenants the extensions promised?


The Estates Commissioners are unable to identify the lands referred to as Bohenagh, Bunbee, or Forgegreens. The tenants on the town-lands of Ballinhoe and Bohoge purchased their holdings direct from the owner, under the Irish Land Act, 1903, and the holdings have been vested in the purchasing tenants. Neither the Commissioners nor the Congested Districts Board are aware of any such promise as that referred to in the question.


asked if the Estates Commissioners have the Nagle estate, at Leana and Kilnaboy, county Clare, on their hands; if so, what is the cause of the delay in having the untenanted land striped; and when do they intend to deal with it, as both tenants and owners are anxious to have this estate dealt with at once?


The Estates Commissioners have made a proposal for the purchase of this estate which has been accepted by the owner, and they have directed a scheme to be prepared for the allotment of the lands which they hope to have completed at an early date.


asked if the Estates Commissioners have purchased the lands of New Grove, Tulla, county Clare, for redistribution; and when the division of the land will be made?


Neither the Estates Commissioners nor the Congested Districts Board can from the particulars given in the question identify these lands as pending for sale to them under the Land Purchase Acts.


asked whether any estates in the county Donegal have been inspected within the last three months by the inspectors of the Congested Districts Board with a view to purchase; if so, what are these estates; and have any offers been transmitted yet to the owners of any estates so inspected?


The Congested Districts Board inform me that the following estates in county Donegal have been inspected since 1st February, 1911, with a view to purchase:—William Wilson, William Barton, Canon Kelly, James McNulty, G. H. Johnstone, and K. H. Johnstone. The reports of the inspectors are under consideration by the Board, but a price has not yet been offered.