HC Deb 08 May 1911 vol 25 cc858-9

asked the Home Secretary whether many accidents to pedestrians, including children, are caused by cyclists who collide with or run them down and in some instances afterwards ride away without rendering any assistance or waiting to see the ultimate result of their carelessness; whether he is aware that many accidents, vehicular and otherwise, arise from the reckless riding of cyclists through traffic in groups along roads; and whether, with a view to greater control and the tracing of reckless riders, he will introduce legislation enforcing the registration and numbering of all cycles, whether bicycle or other, and the carrying on such machine of a number-plate and tail lamp, as in the ease of other mechanically driven vehicles?


I have no information that supports the suggestion that accidents caused by cyclists to pedestrians in London are very numerous, considering the widespread use of the cycle. In the greater number of accidents the victims are the unfortunate cyclists themselves. I certainly have no reason to think that the allegation against cyclists of callous indifference after an accident has any general foundation. I presume the hon. Member did not mean to convey that?


Oh, no.


It would probably prove quite impracticable to require ordinary cycles to carry a number-plate with a tail-lamp like motor vehicles; and any such proposal could not be justified unless it were found that real difficulty existed in checking or tracing reckless riders, which I am advised is not the case. That cyclists should carry for their own protection a rear lamp or similar device is another matter, for which there is a good deal to be said.


It is in the interests of cyclists themselves that I have made the suggestion. Will the right hon. Gentleman issue such a recommendation to cyclists in the interest of their own safety?


I will consider whether I can do so. I am not yet aware to what body I can make it.