HC Deb 30 March 1911 vol 23 cc1488-9

asked what legislation would be necessary as a preliminary to the ratification by His Majesty's Government of the Conventions signed at the Hague in 1907 for regulating the duty of neutrals in time of maritime war?


A Bill shall shortly be introduced, the provisions of which will answer the question of the hon. Member.


asked whether His Majesty's Government had ratified any and, if so, which of the thirteen Conventions drawn up at the second Peace Conference, held at the Hague in 1907; and whether legislation would be required as a preliminary to the ratification of Conventions numbered 1 to 11, or any, and which of them, by His Majesty's Government?


Numbers 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 14 of the Conventions etc., which resulted from the second Peace Conference at the Hague, have been ratified by the King, as will be seen from the Treaty Series which have been laid before Parliament. The remainder, as was stated in answer to the hon. Member for Plymouth last Monday, require legislation to give effect to them.


asked whether such legislation as might be neecssary as a preliminary to the ratification by His Majesty's Government of the Conventions signed at the Hague in 1907, or any of them, would be submitted to this House in sufficient time for it to be laid also before the Colonial Conference?


A Bill to provide the necessary legislation to give effect to the Conventions signed at the Hague, which have not yet been ratified, with the exception of that which relates to the establishment of an International Prize Court, will be introduced very shortly. I cannot at present, say when it will be possible to introduce the Naval Prize Bill. In any case the legislation is all of a technical character, dealing with machinery, and I do not suppose it will be discussed at the Imperial Conference.