§ Mr. STEEL-MAITLANDasked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether his 1528 attention has been called to the recommendation in the Report of the Departmental Committee appointed to inquire into the dangers attendant on the use of lead in the Potteries, in which they urged that Government departments should insist on being supplied with leadless-glazed ware; whether he will state what action has been taken by the Admiralty in this connection; and whether only those glazed bricks, sanitary ware, electric fittings, and domestic articles are purchased by the department in which leadless glaze has been employed?
§ Dr. MACNAMARAThe answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative, though it should be remarked that low solubility glazes, as well as leadless, were comprised in the recommendation of the Committee. As regards glazed bricks, and sanitary ware, leadless glaze has been generally specified or used for supplies to the Admiralty. All recent purchases of porcelain insulators, etc., for Admiralty electric work have been in leadless or low solubility glaze, and this will be continued if experience shows that there is no sacrifice in durability or efficiency. As regards domestic table and toilet ware, a very great advance in the direction recommended by the Committee has recently been made by the Admiralty. The latest contracts have provided for leadless glaze in respect of a large number of articles, and for low solubility glaze in respect of the great majority of the remaining articles, subject to the quality proving satisfactory when bulk deliveries come forward. There is good reason to hope that the quality will prove satisfactory. In only a comparatively few special cases has it been found impossible at present to obtain leadless or low solubility glazed articles of suitable quality at a reasonable price.
§ Mr. STEEL-MAITLANDWill the right hon. Gentleman distinguish the amount of leadless glaze from low solubility glaze supplied under Admiralty contracts?
§ Dr. MACNAMARAI cannot do it offhand. I will try and get the information if desired.
§ Mr. J. WARDIs the leadless glaze so called really leadless glaze?
§ Dr. MACNAMARAThat I cannot undertake to say. I will ascertain the tests.