HC Deb 29 March 1911 vol 23 cc1312-3

asked how many prosecutions took place in 1910 for time cribbing in Lancashire; the number of convictions; the amount of penalties; in how many cases previous convictions had been recorded against the offenders; and the number of such convictions in each case?

The SECRETARY of STATE for the HOME DEPARTMENT (Mr. Churchill)

The number of firms proceeded against was twenty-three, and the number of separate informations laid was 358. Convictions were obtained on 339 of the informations, the penalties amounting to £414, besides costs. The remaining nineteen informations were withdrawn on payment of costs. Six of the offenders had been previously convicted once, and one offender twice, for a similar offence during the years 1906–1909: convictions for these offences were not tabulated separately before 1906.


Is it a fact that this fraudulent practice is much commoner in Lancashire than in Yorkshire and other counties? If so, can the right hon. Gentleman explain the fact?


I have had some complaints on the matter, and I am to receive a representative body from the employers on the subject.