HC Deb 29 March 1911 vol 23 c1308

asked whether a portion, and, if so, what amount, of the cost connected with indenturing coolies to the planters of British Guiana was placed upon the general revenue of the Colony?


The present arrangements as regards the expenses of the system of indentured immigration into British Guiana are stated in Section 227 of the Report of the recent Committee on Emigration from India to the Crown Colonies and Protectorates. The section in question will be found on page 55 of the Report which was presented to Parliament as Command Paper No. 5192.


asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies, what is the cost per head of indentured coolies in the Colony of Trinidad; and what proportion of this cost is paid by the planters and from the revenues respectively?


The cost of importing indentured immigrants varies from year to year. From a statement laid before the Committee on emigration from India to the Crown Colonies and Protectorates it would appear that the average cost per statute adult between 1879 and 1908 was £24 17s. 4d. inclusive of all charges. The statement is printed on page 127 of Command Paper 5194. The apportionment of the cost of immigration into the Colony is explained in Section 263 of the Report of the Committee, where it is calculated that about 21 per cent. is paid by the employers and labourers, about 52 per cent. by all the cultivators, whether employing indentured labour or not, and about 27 per cent. from general revenue. The section will be found on page 65 of Command Paper No. 5192.


Is it not a fact that the planters who employ free labour have to pay 22 per cent. of the cost of bringing the indentured labourers to the planters who employ them?


I do not think the calculation is quite accurate.