HC Deb 28 March 1911 vol 23 cc1157-277

Considered in Committee (Progress, 27th March).


[Mr. EMMOTT in the Chair.]

  1. NEW CLAUSE.—(Amendment of s. 26 (1) of the Principal Act.) 6,890 words, 1 division
  2. cc1173-5
  3. NEW CLAUSE.—(Saving for Statutory Companies.) 697 words
  4. cc1175-95
  5. NEW CLAUSE.—(Provisions as to the Borough of Dewsbury.) 8,718 words
  6. cc1196-204
  7. NEW CLAUSE.—(Extension of the right to claim exemptions, etc., from Income Tax in certain cases to widows resident abroad who are in receipt of pensions.) 3,666 words
  8. cc1204-9
  9. NEW CLAUSE.—(Amendment as to ownership of securities for the purpose of s. 71 (2) of the principal Act.) 1,988 words
  10. cc1209-19
  11. NEW CLAUSE.—(Excise.) 4,473 words
  12. cc1219-50
  13. NEW CLAUSE.—(Assessment of Increment Value Duty on Agricultural Land.) 13,654 words, 1 division
  14. cc1251-77
  15. NEW CLAUSE.—(Exemption of market gardens from Undeveloped Land Duty.) 11,618 words, 2 divisions