HC Deb 28 March 1911 vol 23 cc1132-3

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether the superintendents of Labour Exchanges were allowed to contest for seats for town councils, boards of guardians, or co-operative society management; if not, would he state what instructions had been issued to the superintendents bearing on this matter?


Officers of Labour Exchanges are informed in their Letter of Appointment that they are subject to the same Regulations with regard to membership of local authorities as Civil servants in the Board of Trade, and that, in addition, they will not be permitted without the sanction of the Board of Trade to stand as candidates in any public election, or to fill any post for which a public election is necessary. No such sanction has been given, but in a Few cases officers who held such posts at the time of their appointment, and had only a short term of office to run have been temporarily exempted from this Regulation.


Have any applications been made, other than those referred to, in which permission has been refused?


I should like notice of that question.