HC Deb 23 March 1911 vol 23 cc593-4

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware of the treatment meted to Mrs. M'Namara, one of the Templemore evicted tenants; is be aware that the Estates Commissioners agreed to give back to Mrs. M'Namara 71 acres 2 roods 20 poles of her farm if her husband, Mr. William M'Namara, would resign all claim to it, and if her brother, Mr. Richard Neill would take it over in trust for her, he guaranteeing payment of the annuity; and whether, as these conditions have all been complied with, can he say why the Estates Commissioners have not carried out their portion of the bargain, and why Mr. Taylor, agent of the property, should be allowed to plough one half the farm and graze the other portion?


The owner has accepted the Estates Commissioners' proposal for the purchase of part of the lands of Tin-nock, and the Commissioners proposed to give some seventy-three acres to Richard Neill as trustee of Mrs. M'Namara, wife of the evicted tenant. The estate has not been reached in order of priority, and the Commissioners cannot carry out their proposed arrangement until they have obtained possession of the lands.