HC Deb 23 March 1911 vol 23 cc581-2

Southampton Harbour Bill (King's Consent signified),

Bill read the third time, and passed.

Bristol Corporation Bill (by Order),

Third Reading deferred till To-morrow.

London County Council (Tramways and Improvements) Bill (by Order),

Second Reading deferred till To-morrow.

Furness Railway Bill,

Reported, with an Amendment; Report to lie upon the Table, and to be printed.

Blackburn Corporation Water Bill,

Reported, with Amendments; Report to lie upon the Table, and to be printed.

Marriages Provisional Order Confirmation Bill,

Reported, without Amendment; Report to lie upon the Table. Bill to be read the third time To-morrow.

Marple Urban District Gas Bill,

Chichester Gas Bill,

Reported, with Amendments; Reports to lie upon the Table, and to be printed.

Weston-super-Mare Gas Bill,

Reported, with Amendments; Report to lie upon the Table.

Bicester Urban District Gas Bill,

Reported, with Amendments; Report to lie upon the Table, and to be printed.

Port of London Authority Bill,

Reported, with Amendments; Report to lie upon the Table.

Manchester and Milford Railway Bill,

Reported, with an Amendment; Report to lie upon the Table, and to be printed.

London United Tramways Bill,

Reported, without Amendment; Report to lie upon the Table, and to be printed.

Gas Light and Coke Company Bill,

Reported, with Amendments; Report to lie upon the Table.

NEW MEMBERSWORN.—Michael Augustine Roche, esquire, for County of Louth (North Louth Division).

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