HC Deb 23 March 1911 vol 23 c585

asked to what most-favoured-nation treaties is Canada bound in virtue of Imperial treaties to which Canada had no opportunity of adherence or dissent, treaties to which Canada was given power to adhere and did adhere, and treaties from the participation in which Canada was given a power to dissent but did not exercise that power; and whether there are any of these treaties from which Canada may withdraw without the denunciation of such treaties by the Imperial Government?


The answer to the first question is: Treaties with Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Denmark, Norway, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, and Venezuela. These are all treaties concluded before the passing of the British North America Act of 1867. The answer to the second question is that Canada acceded to the treaties with Austria-Hungary and Japan. The Japanese Treaty will terminate on the 17th of July next. To the third question the answer is: the modus vivendi with Spain. The answer to the last question is in the negative.


Have the Government received any intimation from the Canadian Ministers of their desire to be relieved from their obligations under any or all of these treaties?


Not so far as I am aware. In any case it is for the Canadian Government themselves to make their views known.