HC Deb 23 March 1911 vol 23 cc582-3

asked if agreements had recently been signed by Turkey sanctioning the construction by Germany of the section of the Baghdad Railway between El Helif and Baghdad and of a branch line from Aleppo to Alexandretta; and, if so, if, in return for this sanction, Germany has given up her claims in connection with the construction of a railway from Baghdad to Basra?


An agreement between the Turkish Government and the Baghdad Railway Company on this subject was signed on the 21st instant. It provides for the renunciation by the company of the right to build the section of the line from Baghdad to the Persian Gulf, and to construct a port at Basra, in favour of a new Turkish company, on condition that no Power except Turkey shall have a share in the new company greater than that of the Baghdad Railway Company, and that the latter shall have the right to demand from the new company or from the Turkish Government compensation on account of the above renunciation. The Baghdad Railway Company are also to construct a port at Alexandretta and to build a branch line from there to Osmanie on the main line, without a kilometric guarantee. The agreement further provides that the Baghdad Railway Company are to content themselves, for the construction of the line as far as Baghdad, with the revenues of which they already have the disposal, that is: the actual surplus of the ceded revenues and of certain tithes.


asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he had any knowledge of an agreement having been concluded between the Baghdad Railway Company and the Porte assuring the continuation of the line to Baghdad; and if it had been arranged that with regard to the terminal section of the line from Baghdad to the Persian Gulf the Porte should have a free hand, with the reservation that Germany should have equal participation with any other Foreign Power in the construction and control of the line.


I beg to refer the hon. Member to the reply just returned to the Noble Lord the Member for the Hornsey Division of Middlesex.