HC Deb 21 March 1911 vol 23 cc229-30

asked whether the "Isla," which was purchased for carrying petrol to His Majesty's ships, has, together with repairs, already cost over £25,000; and whether the Treasury only sanctioned the purchase of a vessel for this purpose on condition that the cost should not exceed £10,000?


Treasury sanction was sought for the expenditure of a sum not exceeding £10,000 for the purchase of a vessel for carrying petrol. The sum actually paid was £8,925, but the vessel had to be specially adapted for carrying petrol. The cost of fitting her proved greater than was contemplated, owing to the very special precautions which the Admiralty were advised to take by the Home Office and other experts who were consulted, in order to fender her safe for the hazardous service on which she was to be employed. During a considerable portion of the time occupied in determining details of fittings, the vessel was employed as a collier, and it must be remembered that the cost of her repairs during a period of three years, and of her overhaul after use as a collier, are all included in the sum of £25,000 quoted.


May I ask whether the Treasury sanctioned the increased sum?


Yes, Sir, it has come before the Treasury. The sanction of the Treasury was given to £10,000 for the purchase of the ship, but the purchase price was only £8,925. The £25,000 is due to repairs and alterations.


Has the Treasury sanctioned the further amount?


The Treasury would not be called upon to sanction it.