HC Deb 20 March 1911 vol 23 c37

asked whether any arrangements are being made in cases where there is a demand for workers in any special trade whereby suitable unemployed persons may obtain facilities for instruction in that trade in cases where there is ground for hope that such instruction may enable workers to fit themselves for employment?


My right hon. Friend has asked me to answer this question. It is primarily for local education authorities to make provision for courses of vocational instruction, whether for employed or for unemployed workers in trades. Aid is given by the Board of Education to such courses under the regulations for Technical Schools. The Board are of opinion that periods of unemployment may often be used with advantage for the purpose of giving such courses, and they will consider the desirability of calling the special attention of local education authorities to this point in connection with the revised regulations for technical schools which they propose shortly to issue. Should the Board receive information, either through the working of Labour Exchanges or otherwise, that there is an inadequate provision in any locality for instruction related to any particular trade, they will give the matter their best attention, and, if necessary, communicate with the local education authority for the locality concerned.


Will the right hon. Gentleman post notices on this matter in the Labour Exchanges?


I shall confer with the Labour Exchange authorities on the subject, and if they think it worth while we shall be very glad to do it.