HC Deb 16 March 1911 vol 22 cc2422-3

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, whether he has received particulars of the new commercial treaty between the United States and Japan; whether that treaty contains a clause providing that the import duties in each country on the products of the other are to be regulated by special arrangement between the two countries or by the internal legislation of each; and whether any tariff reductions given by Japan and the United States to each other would be extended in each country to British products?


The official text of the treaty has not yet been received. But from the version which recently appeared in the American Press it seems that, by Article 5, the import duties on goods of Japanese and United States origin, respectively, are to be regulated "either by special arrangements between the two countries or by the internal legislation of each." Any tariff concessions accorded by Japan to the United States would, so long as a Treaty with Japan subsists containing a most-favoured-nation Article, apply equally to British goods. As regards the United States, I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given on the 6th instant to the hon. Member for the Ludlow Division.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether means could not be found to secure similar advantage to this country to those which Japan will enjoy in the markets of the United States under this treaty?


That will be one of the questions for consideration if any difficulty arises.


asked whether, in view of the early date on which the new Japanese tariff will come into force, and the inconvenience caused to the British traders by the uncertainty which still prevails as to the results of the negotiations which have been proceeding, he can state the nature of the tariff concessions, if any, which Japan has agreed to extend to British products; and if he can state when full particulars of the arrangement are likely to be published?


I am unable to make a further statement at this moment, but I expect to be able to do so before the House rises for the Easter recess.