HC Deb 15 March 1911 vol 22 cc2241-2

asked the Lord Advocate whether he is aware that at a conference of the East Coast Fisheries Association, representing some 10,000 fishermen, held at Edinburgh on Saturday, 4th March, it was held on all hands that the line fishing had been almost ruined along the coast by the operations of trawlers, and that if the fishing industry were to be saved from ruin the three-mile limit must be extended; and whether, in view of this consensus of opinion, he will give this matter his most favourable consideration?


My attention has been called to the proceedings of the Conference in Edinburgh representing Fifeshire, Berwickshire and Haddingtonshire fishermen on Saturday, 25th February, which is probably that to which the hon. and gallant Member refers. Any representations regarding the three-mile limit or other subjects discussed at the Conference will receive careful consideration.