HC Deb 14 March 1911 vol 22 c2057

asked what sum had been paid out of Imperial funds by way of loan or otherwise for providing houses for the working classes in Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, respectively, during the last ten years?


So far as concerns Wales and Scotland, full particulars as to the amounts advanced from the local loans fund for the purpose in question are given in the Reports annually presented to Parliament by the Public Works Loan Board. No grants from the Exchequer have been made. So far as Ireland is concerned, full particulars as to the amounts advanced by way of loan by the Board of Works under the Housing of the Working Classes Acts and the Labourers Ireland Acts and by the Irish Land Commission under the latter Acts, will be found in the annual Reports to Parliament of those Departments. I would refer the hon. Member to my right hon. Friend the Chief Secretary for information as to the payments made in Ireland from Imperial funds otherwise than by way of loans for the purposes in question.


Would it not be very much shorter to give the figures in each case?


Perhaps the hon. Gentleman would give me notice.