§ Mr. CHARLES BATHURSTasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer, whether, in 1218 view of the prospective serious shortage of timber supply for British industrial requirements, the increasing disinclination of landowners under the pressure of public burdens to continue making timber plantations with the prospect of no financial return to themselves and but little to their descendants for the initial capital outlay and maintenance expenses, and the annual payment of Income Tax and of rates based upon unimproved value in respect of property which during a long period was producing no income whatever, the Government would, in order to encourage the development of suitable land and the employment of labour in the production of British timber, consider the advisability of the entire exemption from both Income Tax and rates of all new plantations of conifers for thirty and of hard woods for sixty years, that was until after the first returns from thinnings, subject to the scheme of planting being approved by the Board of Agriculture and the plantations being maintained to the satisfaction of a Government inspector according to the most approved methods of economic forestry?
§ Mr. HOBHOUSEMy right hon. Friend is not prepared to accept the suggestion contained in the question.
§ Mr. ASHLEYIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that when the subject was raised a few years ago by the then Memberber for the Horncastle Division, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, gave a most sympathetic answer?
§ Mr. HOBHOUSEI know nothing of that reply.