HC Deb 29 June 1911 vol 27 c564

asked the President if he will arrange in future for the monthly returns of the exports and imports to show a classification of machine tools, the basis of the classification to be arranged to meet the wishes of representatives of the machine tool trade?


The existing classification of machinery in the Trade Returns of this country was arrived at in 1907 as the result of a conference held at the Board of Trade which was attended by representatives of the engineering trade. This classification has only been in force since the commencement of 1908, and in view of the comparatively recent date at which it was arranged I am reluctant to modify it. I shall, however, be happy at any time to receive any suggestions on the subject which may be made to me in writing by representative bodies of manufacturers or exporters, and will submit such suggestions to the Departmental Committee which meets annually in the autumn to consider proposals for modifications in the details of the Returns to be published for the ensuing year.