HC Deb 19 June 1911 vol 27 c33

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether, in view of the proposed adoption of an official brand for Irish-cured herrings and mackerel, the Department will take the necessary steps to utilise the Irish national trade mark for this purpose?


The Irish national trade mark has not been utilised for the purpose referred to. While the national trade mark indicates origin, the official brands for Irish-cured herrings are mainly required to indicate quality, size, and packing. The Department of Agriculture are taking advantage of Section 62 of the Trade Marks Act, 1905, to register their proposed brands.


Would it not be possible to incorporate in the proposed brand the Irish national trade mark?


I do not think it is a question of patriotism, but of business. It is much better herrings should have a mark, not of their origin, but of their quality, size, and packing.