HC Deb 19 June 1911 vol 27 cc12-3

asked the Postmaster-General when the revision at the General Post Office parcel office, stated to be under consideration on 6th July, 1909, will be brought into effect; and will he give the number of hours' overtime performed at this office, by all classes, during the week ending 27th May, and the cost of same?

The POSTMASTER-GENERAL (Mr. Herbert Samuel)

The revision of the force of the General Post Office parcel office has now been sanctioned and is being carried out. The full effect will, of course, not be felt for some time, as the additional officers have to be obtained and trained. During the week ended the 27th ultimo 5,138½ hours' overtime were performed at a cost of £290 2s. These figures do not include Sunday duty and provision for the work of officers taking holidays in lieu of Bank holidays, which accounted for 1,241½ more hours at a cost of £88 0s. 8½d.


asked the Postmaster-General if he is aware that, in addition to the 1,911 days that the twenty-four sorters attached to the East Central section of the General Post Office performed the duties of acting overseers for the year ending 31st March, they were frequently employed as extra overseers, during which time no record was kept or substitution allowance paid for such service; whether, notwithstanding that a large increase of force has been made and a considerable amount of extra duty incurred since the removal to King Edward building, no increase has been made in the supervising force; and whether, in view of the discontent among the supervising officers, owing to their additional responsibility, he will consider the advisability of increasing the supervising staff in this section?


I am assured that it is not the case that the twenty-four sorters referred to by the hon. Member were frequently employed as extra over- seers as suggested in the question. A few of the sorters have been employed on part-time supervision during brief periods of emergency or pressure and other sorters have been under tuition; but the figures given in my previous reply are not affected thereby. Since the occupation of King Edward's building the question of a revision of the staff has been taken up. An interim addition to the rank and file has already been sanctioned, and I hope that the complete scheme will soon be ready The question of adjusting the supervising force to meet the requirements will not be overlooked.