HC Deb 14 June 1911 vol 26 cc1526-7

Motion made, and Question put, "That the Proceedings in Committee of Ways and Means, if under discussion at Eleven o'clock this night, be not interrupted under the Standing Order (Sittings of the House), and may be entered upon at any hour, although opposed."—[The Prime Minister.]

The House divided: Ayes, 161; Noes, 48.

Division No. 248.] AYES. [3.25 p.m.
Abraham, William (Dublin Harbour) Fenwick, Charles Menzies, Sir Walter
Adamson, William Flennes, Hon. Eustace Edward Millar, James Duncan
Adkins, W. Ryland D. France, Gerald Ashburner Molteno, Percy Alport
Armitage, Robert Gelder, Sir W. A. Montagu, Hon. E. S.
Ashton, Thomas Gair George, Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd Morgan, George Hay
Asquith, Rt. Hon. Herbert Henry Gibson, Sir James Puckering Morrell, Philip
Baker, H. T. (Accrington) Glanville, Harold James Neilson, Francis
Balfour, Sir Robert (Lanark) Goddard, Sir Daniel Ford Nicholson, Chas. N. (Doncaster)
Baring, Sir Godfrey (Barnstaple) Goldstone, Frank Norman, Sir Henry
Barlow, Sir John Emmott (Somerset) Greenwood, Granville G. (Peterborough) Norton, Captain Cecil W.
Barry, Redmond John (Tyrone, N.) Guest, Hon. Major C. H. C. (Pembroke) O'Brien, Patrick (Kilkenny)
Barton, William Guest, Hon. Frederick E. (Dorset, E.) O'Grady, James
Beale, W. P. Harcourt, Rt. Hon. L. (Rossendaie) Palmer, Godfrey Mark
Beck, Arthur Cecil Harvey, T. E. (Leeds, W.) Parker, James (Halifax)
Benn, W. (Tower Hamlets, St. Geo.) Harvey, W. E. (Derbyshire, N.E.) Pickersgill, Edward Hare
Bentham, G. J. Haslam, Lewis (Monmouth) Pollard, Sir George H.
Birrell, Rt. Hon. Augustine Helme, Norval Watson Price, C. E. (Edinburgh, Central)
Bowerman, C. W. Henderson, Arthur (Durham) Price, Sir Robert J. (Norfolk, E.)
Brace, William Herbert, Col. Sir Ivor Pringle, William M. R.
Burke, E. Haviland- Higham, John Sharp Rendall, Atheistan
Burns, Rt. Hon. John Hinds, John Richards, Thomas
Burt, Rt. Hon. Thomas Hobhouse, Rt. Hon. Charles E.H. Richardson, Thomas (Whitehaven)
Buxton, Rt. Hon. S. C. (Poplar) Holt, Richard Durning Roberts, Charles H. (Lincoln)
Byles, William Pollard Horne, Charles Silvester (Ipswich) Roberts, George H. (Norwich)
Cameron, Robert Howard, Hon. Geoffrey Robertson, Sir G. Scott (Bradford)
Carr-Gomm, H. W. Hudson, Walter Robertson, John M. (Tyneside)
Cawley, Sir Frederick (Prestwich) Hughes, Spencer Leigh Robinson, Sidney
Chapple, Dr. William Allen Jardine, Sir John (Roxburghshire) Roch, Waiter F, (Pembroke)
Churchill, Rt. Hon. Winston S. Johnson, W. Rowlands, James
Clough, William Jones, Sir D. Brynmor (Swansea) Runciman, Rt. Hon. Walter
Collins, Godfrey P. (Greenock) Jones, Edgar (Merthyr Tydvil) Samuel, Rt. Hon. H. L. (Cleveland)
Collins, Stephen (Lambeth) Jones, H. Haydn (Merioneth) Samuel, J. (Stockton-on-Tees)
Corbett, A. Cameron Jones, Leif Stratton (Notts, Rushcliffe) Scanlan, Thomas
Cory, Sir Clifford John Jones, William (Carnarvonshire) Scott, A. MacCailum (Glas., Bridgeton)
Crawshay-Williams, Eliot Kellaway, Frederick George Seely, Colonel, Rt. Hon. J. E. B.
Crooks, William King, Joseph (Somerset, North) Sherwell, Arthur James
Davies, David (Montgomery Co.) Lamb, Ernest Henry Shortt, Edward
Davies, Timothy (Lincs., Louth) Lambert, George (Devon, S. Melton) Spicer, Sir Albert
Davies, M. Vaughan. (Cardigan) Leach, Charles Strachey, Sir Edward
Dawes, James Arthur Lewis, John Herbert Strauss, Edward A. (Southwark, West)
Denman, Hon. R. D. Logan, John William Sutton, John E.
Dewar, Sir J. A. Macdonald, J. R. (Leicester) Taylor, John W. (Durham)
Duncan, C. (Barrow-in-Furness) Macnamara, Dr. Thomas J. Taylor, Theodore C. (Radcliffe)
Edwards, Clement (Glamorgan, E.) MacVeagh, Jeremiah Tennant, Harold John
Edwards, Enoch (Hanley) M'Callum, John M. Thomas, J. H. (Derby)
Elibank, Rt. Hon. Master of M`Micking, Major Gilbert Toulmin, George
Essex, Richard Walter Markham, Arthur Basil Trevelyan, Charles Philips
Esslemont, George Birnie Marshall, Arthur Harold Ure, Rt. Hon. Alexander
Falconer, James Martin, Joseph Wadsworth, J.
Ward, John (Stoke-upon-Trent) Webb, H. Wilson, John (Durham, Mid)
Ward, W. Dudley (Southampton) Wedgwood, Josiah C. Wood, T. McKinnon (Glasgow)
Wardle, George J. White, Sir George (Norfolk)
Waring, Walter Whyte, A. F. (Perth) TELLERS FOR THE AYES.—Mr.
Wason, Rt. Hon. E. (Clackmannan) Williams, Penry (Middlesbrough) Illingworth and Mr. Gulland.
Wason, John Cathcart (Orkney)
Anstruther-Gray, Major-William Falle, Bertram Godfray Morrison-Bell, Major A. C. (Honiton)
Ashley, Wilfrid W. Fell, Arthur Orde-Powlett, Hon. W. G A.
Baird, John Lawrence Fisher, W. Haynes Parker, Sir Gilbert (Gravesend)
Balcarres, Lord Gardner, Ernest Parkes, Ebenezer
Baldwin, Stanley Gilmour, Captain John Pease, Herbert Pike (Darlington)
Banbury, Sir Frederick George Goldsmith, Frank Smith, Albert (Lancs., Clitheroe)
Barnston, H. Goulding, Edward Alfred Snowden, Philip
Bathurst, Hon. Alien B. (Giouc., E.) Hardy, Laurence Spear, John Ward
Bennett-Goldney, Francis Hickman, Col. Thomas E. Stewart, Gershom
Bentinck, Lord H. Cavendish Hill, Sir Clement L. Swift, Rigby
Bigland, Alfred Hunter, Sir Charles Rodk. (Bath) Thomson, W. Mitchell- (Diwn, N.)
Bird, Alfred Jowett, Frederick William Tullibardine, Marquess of
Boscawen, Col. A. S. T. Griffith- Lansbury, George Walsh, Stephen (Lancs, Ince)
Campion, W. R. Law, Andrew Bonar (Bootle, Lancs.) Wilson, W. T. (Westhoughton)
Carlile, Edward Hildred Lockwood, Rt. Hon. Lt.-Col. A. R.
Croft, Henry Page Magnus, Sir Philip TELLERS FOR THE NOES.—Mr.
Doughty, Sir George Mallaby-Deeley, Harry G. Lloyd and Mr. Stanier.