Mr. BALFOURI desire to ask a question, though I am not quite sure whether you will be able to answer it, as to the printed Amendments to big Bills in this House. I would ask whether it would not be possible when there is a large number of Amendments in duplicate to print only the Amendment once, with the names of the various Gentlemen who put it down, and, of course, in the order in which they themselves suggested the Amendment. 1229 Everybody who is familiar with these things knows how inconvenient it is to have to turn over page by page of mere duplication. I will not press the point argumentatively, as I think I gather that the general sense of the House is with me in respect to this question.
Mr. DEPUTY-SPEAKERI do not think I can give a definite answer to that question on the spur of the moment. In the first place, as the House knows, I am only a locum tenens, and the matter must be carefully investigated before I can give a reply. So far as I am concerned as a Chairman of Committees I should be only too glad if the suggestion would be adopted. I understand, however, that there are very serious difficulties in the way, and I can only promise at present to the right hon. Gentleman that the matter shall be very carefully considered.