HC Deb 01 June 1911 vol 26 cc1198-200

asked whether the Estates Commissioners propose to purchase the untenanted portion of the Boyton estate, Convoy, county Donegal; and, if not, whether they propose to make any offer for unoccupied lands near this estate, in order to provide the tenants of this estate, most of whom hold small and poor farms, with additional lands?


The owner has instituted proceedings for the sale of this estate direct to the tenants, and proposes to sell and repurchase under the provisions of Section 3 of the Irish Land Act, 1903, the demesne and other lands in her occupation. The Estates Commissioners in dealing with these lands will have regard to the amount of land available for the enlargement of holdings, where they consider such enlargement necessary.


asked whether purchase agreements have been lodged on behalf of tenants on the estate of Craven H. Wade, county Meath, with the Estates Commissioners; if so, would he state at what date, and when, the estate is likely to be reached in the order of priority?


Purchase agreements have been lodged on behalf of the tenants on this estate, but the Estates Commissioners are not in a position at present to say when the estate will be reached in order of priority.


asked whether any negotiations are on foot between the Estates Commissioners and Dr. Kelly Paterson for the acquisition of untenanted land at Mullahan, Rathkenny, county Meath.


The Estates Commissioners had a preliminary inspection made of the lands and communicated their estimated price to the owner, but up to the present he has not instituted proceedings for sale under the Land Purchase Acts.


asked the Chief Secretary whether, in the case of the Kildeemo farm, lately in the occupation of Mrs. Anne Mathews but part of the estate of Lord Leconfield, he was aware that recently the tenants made an offer to the agent, Mr. Willis, who in return asked a larger price; whether this property would be soon dealt with; and whether in the meantime care would be taken that the farm should not be striped in such a way as to defeat the intentions of the last Land Act?


The Estates Commismissioners inform me that the lands of Kildeemo do not appear to be included in lands for the sale of which proceedings have been instituted before them, and they have no information as regards the matters referred to in the Question.