HC Deb 01 June 1911 vol 26 c1192

Reported, with Amendments, from the Local Legislation Committee (Section B) [Title amended]; Report to lie upon the Table, and to be printed.

The DEPUTY-CHAIRMAN of COMMITTEES (Mr. Whitley) moved, "That Standing Orders 39, 128, 204, and 230 be suspended, and that the time for depositing Petitions and Memorials against Private Bills, or against any Bill to confirm any Provisional Order or Provisional Certificate, and for depositing duplicates of any Documents relating to any Bill to confirm any Provisional Order or Provisional Certificate, also for depositing at the Private Bill Office all Documents relating to any Order under The Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act, 1899, be extended to the first clay on which the House shall sit after the Recess."


May I ask the reason why these Standing Orders are suspended, and what the effect of their suspension will be? I am desirous of opposing the Inverness Harbour Order Confirmation Bill, and if this suspension will prevent my doing that I shall oppose the Motion.


The hon. Member will lose none of his rights by the passing of this Motion. It is only to prevent any promoters having their rights taken away by the Adjournment of the House.

Question put, and agreed to.