HC Deb 31 July 1911 vol 29 c28

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether his attention has been called to the fact that a decree in an action for assault was granted by the county court judge at the June sittings against Sergeant Carroll, of the Royal Irish Constabulary, Maguiresbridge, county Fermanagh, and confirmed on appeal, and is this the second time this officer has been held liable for assault; has another officer of the Maguiresbridge force been held liable also for assault; and will he suggest to the Royal Irish Constabulary authorities that the constant friction between the Royal Irish Constabulary and some of the inhabitants of the district might be terminated if these members of the force were transferred to other stations?


My attention has been called to the fact stated in the first paragraph of the question. A decree was also obtained against this sergeant in 1909 for assault, but the Lord Chief Baron, on appeal, held that the assault was merely technical, and gave only 6d. damages. Damages were also obtained against a constable for assault during an election row. Sergeant Carroll has been transferred at his own request from Maguiresbridge. It is not proposed to transfer the constable.


Is it not a fact that the alleged assault took place when the doors of the public house had to be closed, that then the sergeant found it necessary to spit out, and that this man swore he spat at him? That is the only fault the sergeant committed.


Well, I think that was all very well represented by sixpence?