HC Deb 28 July 1911 vol 28 cc1892-3

The superannuation fund account shall comprise two parts (namely) a capital account and a revenue account.

The capital account shall be credited with the sum certified as due by the company to the association fund as at the thirty-first day of December one thousand nine hundred and eleven including interest to that date and with any other moneys belonging to the association fund and with any surplus revenue standing to the credit of the revenue account in any half-year as hereinafter provided.

The revenue account shall be credited with (1) contributions by contributing members (2) contributions by the Company (3) contributions by joint committees and any company other than the company (4) interest payable by the company on the moneys for the time being of the superannuation fund as hereinbefore provided and (5) any other receipts of the said fund and shall be debited with all charges against the said fund.

If in any half-year ending thirtieth June or thirty-first December the amounts so credited to the revenue account exceed the charges so debited to such account in that half-year the balance shall be carried and credited to the capital account.

If in any such half-year the amounts so credited to the revenue account are less than the charges debited to such account in that half-year the company shall pay into the superannuation fund to the credit of the revenue account the amount of the deficiency.

Every contributing member shall be entitled at all reasonable times during twenty-eight days commencing with the second day of March in every year on application to the secretary of the superannuation fund to inspect the superannuation fund account.

Amendments made: After the word "Member" ["Every contributing member"], insert the words "or any person nominated by a contributing member."

After the word "times," leave out the words "during twenty-eight days commencing on the second day of March in every year."

At end of last paragraph of Sub-section (10), leave out the word "account," and insert instead thereof the words "accounts and all books relating thereto and to make any copies or extracts of or from any such accounts and books."