HC Deb 27 July 1911 vol 28 cc1821-2

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he has received a communication from the secretary of the Sincere Sick and Burial Society and the Humane Perseverance Sick and Burial Society, of Manchester, dated 1st July, asking for fair and equitable consideration in regard to the above societies; whether he received a second communication, dated 11th July, from the secretary to the same effect; whether he is aware that neither of these communications has been replied to; and, seeing that these two societies have accumulated capital of £27,000 and £23,000 respectively, and 19,000 and 17,000 members respectively, of whom 11,500 and 9,000 are on the joint sick and funeral section, will he state what steps he proposes to take to see that they are not injured by the National Insurance Bill?


The gentleman named wrote on 27th May, making some inquiries as to the position of his societies under the Bill, and a reply giving the desired explanations was sent to him on 30th May. The letters referred to in the question asked for an interview with my right hon. Friend, who regrets that it has been impossible to spare the time for this. A week ago, however, an invitation was sent inviting the secretary of the two-societies to call and see an official at the Treasury, who would be able to give him all the information he desires, and I have no doubt the secretary will reply at his convenience to this invitation.

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