HC Deb 27 July 1911 vol 28 c1810
Viscount WOLMER

asked the Prime Minister whether he had taken note of Sir Wilfrid Laurier's declaration at the Imperial Conference that they had taken the position in Canada that they did not think they were bound to take part in every war, and that their fleet might not be called upon in all cases; whether this doctrine is held by any of the other dominions; whether it is accepted by the British Government; whether its converse also applies; whether he has obtained or will endeavour to obtain from the Canadian Government some definition of the wars and cases referred to; and whether wars originating under Article 2 of the Japanese alliance are among them?


The matters referred to are too grave and delicate to be dealt with by way of question and answer. Nor could I without a breach of confidence disclose the discussions and decisions of the secret sessions of the Imperial Conference.