HC Deb 26 July 1911 vol 28 c1655

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether he is now in a position to say what is the result of his correspondence with the rural district council of Mailing with regard to evictions in West Mailing; and what steps have been taken under the Housing and Town Planning Act to make proper housing provisions for the labourers of West Mailing and their families?


I am informed by the Rural District Council of Mailing that no proceedings had been taken by them to evict tenants, but that, in the case of some old cottages, the landlords having, had their attention called to the need of repairs and structural alterations, had obtained eviction orders so as to get possession of their houses, before closing orders were made by the council. All the persons evicted have been properly housed, and, in the majority of cases, have obtained better accommodation nearer their work, although the accommodation was, in most instances, outside West Mailing. In the opinion of the council there is no necessity for any steps being taken by them at the present time to rehouse persons displaced, or to erect cottages for the working classes at West Mailing.