HC Deb 25 July 1911 vol 28 c1522

Rising on a point of Order, I would like to ask whether the observation of the hon. Member for Stoke (Mr. John Ward) "insolent swine," as applied to hon. Members of this-House, is within the limits of Parliamentary debate?


Hon. Members will see that some of the personalities which pass between the two benches, especially those below the Gangway, do not reach my ears, and in some respects I am glad I cannot hear them. I would again repeat what I said yesterday, and I venture to make an appeal to hon. Members who sit in those respective seats not to carry on cross-firing over the floor of the House. I know there is great temptation to do so; but I would respectfully ask them to desist from that. It really makes debate in the proper sense of the word impossible; and. also, being at a distance, I am placed at a very great disadvantage in not being able to hear, and therefore in not being able to-adjudicate at the time upon an offending: word, from whichever side of the House it may come. I hope, after this, hon. Members will see the desirability of refraining as far as possible from these interjections.