§ Considered in Committee, and reported without Amendment.
§ Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Bill be now read the third time."
§ Mr. BOOTHI understand this is the Bill to which reference was made when my point was answered with regard to the Cruelty to Animals Bill. There was a horrible Clause put in at the instigation of the Scotch law officers that the Bill should not apply to Scotland, and a promise was then given of which I take this to be the redemption. The flaw in the other Bill was that when an express train took live fowls across the border there was one law in England dealing with the transit and a totally different law in Scotland. The Lord Advocate was bound to admit in that Debate that the whole thing was absurd, and he promised that it should be remedied.
§ Mr. GULLANDI understand that the Bill that the hon. Member refers to dealt merely with unnecessary suffering to poultry when under conveyance. The additional Clause in this Bill provides that receptacles used for the conveyance of poultry shall be cleansed and disinfected. This is the Bill, I understand, referred to by the hon. Member in which he took such a kindly interest.
§ Question put, and agreed to. Bill accordingly read the third time, and passed.