HC Deb 20 July 1911 vol 28 c1266

asked if the Chief Secretary is aware of the loss experienced by Irish farmers owing to the prevalence of red water and other diseases among cattle; and if he will state what steps are being taken, by moans of scientific research, to ascertain the best means of preventing these diseases?


I am informed that red water in cattle is prevalent in many districts in Ireland. An annual grant is made by the Department of Agriculture to the Royal Veterinary College of Ireland for scientific work in connection with this and other diseases of livestock, and an investigation regarding red water has been specially undertaken by the College. Reports on this disease have been published in the Department's Journal, and experiments in its prevention have been made on some of their farms, and are still in progress. A leaflet dealing with the symptoms and treatment of the disease has also been issued for the guidance of stock-owners.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware in connection with this disease of red water that at least £200,000 a year is lost to Irish farmers?


The information I have received is that the losses from this disease among livestock are very considerable and of a lamentable character. I am quite aware of that.