HC Deb 13 July 1911 vol 28 c485

asked the President whether his attention has been called to the case of the children of Mr. Hayzen, 16, Revesby Street, Walworth, who, after having attended the King and Queen Street London County Council school, are now excluded on account of the refusal of their parents to have them medically inspected under Section 13 of the Education (Administrative Provisions) Act or under The Children Act, 1908; whether the ground of the refusal of admission is reasonable within the meaning of the Code; and, if not, whether he will take steps to secure the readmission of these children?


My attention was first called to the case by the hon. Member's question. I have made inquiries, and am informed that the children in question were excluded under Section 122 of the Children Act, 1908, because they were verminous. It appears from the information furnished to me that the children were not excluded on account of the refusal of the parents to have them medically inspected, but that the parents were informed that the children could only be re-admitted if a satisfactory medical certificate was furnished in respect of their cleanliness, or if they were found to be clean by the school nurse. On the information at present before me I do not think that any occasion for the interference of the Board has arisen, but I will make further inquiries.


Is there any power of prosecuting in such a case?


I do not know.