HC Deb 13 July 1911 vol 28 cc467-8

Order for consideration of Lords Amendments read.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Lords Amendments be now considered."


I desire to ask whether the Government Department responsible for this Bill are entitled to put it down for consideration of the Lords Amendments in view of the fact that those Amendments are not printed and are not to be found in any part of the House. I have inquired at the Private Bill Office and the Library in this House, and they have not been received. I inquired at the Private Bill Office in the Lords, and they are not in print there either.


The hon. Member can object, and the Bill will be held over.


I wish to know whether it is in order to put these Amendments down for consideration when hon. Members have had no opportunity of seeing them?


This Bill, I understand, came down from the Lords last night, and when a Provisional Order Bill comes down from the Lords it is put on the Paper as a matter of course for the next day. If the hon. Member or any hon. Member is dissatisfied with these Amendments and desires that they shall not be taken now, of course, he can object, and they will go over.


I do not know whether I am satisfied or not. I do not know what the Amendments are, and I have no way of finding out. What I submit is that before a Bill is set down for the consideration of Amendments hon. Members ought to have an opportunity of seeing those Amendments.


The best way is for the hon. Member to object, and then the Bill can stand over until to-morrow, and then the Amendments may be available. The hon. Member will see that I and the Clerks at the Table have no option in the matter. The Bill comes down from the House of Lords. It is sent by the Clerk of the House of Lords, and as soon as it is received it must be put down. We have no option of delaying the Bill even if we desired to delay it. It must be put down, and it appears on the Paper the next day. It is always open for hon. Members to object.


Then I object.

Consideration of Lords Amendments deferred until to-morrow (Friday).

Severn Fisheries Provisional Order Bill,

Read the third time, and passed.