HC Deb 06 July 1911 vol 27 cc1307-8

asked whether Lord Kitchener is to be appointed Consul-General in Egypt, or to any other post of authority there; on what terms and conditions he has been appointed; whether his work there will involve an increase in the work done by or an increase on the salary received by the present holder of the post; and does the appointment of Lord Kitchener involve any change in the policy of this country towards either the Egyptian people or the Soudan?


I would take this opportunity of expressing the very great regret of His Majesty's Government that the serious illness of Sir Eldon Gorst prevents any chance of his being able to return to Egypt, and has made his resignation necessary. We are deeply sensible of the high value of the public service which he has rendered at Cairo, and of the great loss which his retirement entails. Beyond that, I cannot make any further announcement at the present moment.