§ Mr. CHARLES DUNCAN (for Mr. Ramsay Macdonald)asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he proposes to publish the rules and regulations which govern the conduct of managers of Labour Exchanges for adults in the same way that he has published the rules and regulations governing the conduct of managers in juvenile Labour Exchanges?
Mr. BUXTONThe only published rules governing the conduct of managers of Labour Exchanges in regard to juvenile applicants are the special rules for the registration of juvenile applicants in England and Wales and in Ireland made by the Board of Trade, after consultation with the Board of Education and the Lord-Lieu-tenant of Ireland respectively. The corresponding rules as regards adult applicants are contained in the General Regulations made by the Board of Trade, in pursuance of Section (2) of the Labour Exchanges Act (1909), which have already 11 been laid before Parliament. I am causing a copy of these documents to be sent to my hon. Friend.