HC Deb 23 February 1911 vol 21 c2091

I beg leave to move the Adjournment of the House for the purpose of discussing a definite matter of urgent public importance—namely, "That the Home Secretary has taken no effective steps to secure that the Heswall Reformatory School is under management which shall secure the safety and health of its inmates in view of the action of misconduct established against its Superintendent."


May I, as a point of Order, speak on the question of urgency?


I do not think that has ever been done. I have been at some pains to endeavour to ascertain whether or not the Home Office is in any way responsible for the continuation of this Superintendent in his office, and I have come to this conclusion: I cannot say that the Home Office by action which it might take could not indirectly cause the removal of this man, and if they have an indirect power of doing so, I do not think it rests with me to stop this Motion on the ground of urgency.

The pleasure of the House not having been signified, Mr. SPEAKER called on those Members who supported the Motion to rise in their places, and not less than Forty Members having accordingly risen,

The Motion stood over, under Standing Order No. 10, until a Quarter-past Eight this evening.