HC Deb 23 February 1911 vol 21 cc2065-6

asked the President of the Local Government Board if he was aware that, under Article 34, 11 and 12 Vic, Poor Law Amendment, power is given to any ratepayer in the various districts to inspect the books of boards of guardians at the time they are under audit by the Local Government Board; if he was aware that on 3rd January last Mr. John Yallop, who resided within the Edmonton Union area, was refused permission to inspect the books of the Edmonton Union, and that at the Wood Green Petty Sessions an order was refused to Mr. Yallop to allow him to inspect the books; and if he proposed taking action in the matter?


By the Local Government Board's regulations, any owner of property or a ratepayer interested in the accounts of the officers of a Board of Guardians is entitled to inspect during the audit, any books, documents, etc., relating to the accounts of such officers, but to such extent and in such manner only as will not, in the judgment of the auditor, interfere with the audit. I am informed that Mr. Yallop attended on the 3rd January, while the audit was in progress, and was informed by the assistant auditor that he had no objection to the books required being then inspected, but that he should apply to the Clerk to the Guardians for permission to do so. The Clerk to the Guardians was not present, and Mr. Yallop was informed by the Assistant Clerk that he could not then have the books he required. I understand that, when the matter was reported to the Clerk shortly afterwards, he gave instructions that, if Mr. Yallop called again, he was to be allowed to see such of the books as were not actually being used by the auditor. I have no-official information of the result of Mr. Yallop's application in the matter at the Wood Green Petty Sessions.