HC Deb 22 February 1911 vol 21 cc1890-1

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether separate trade boards have been set up in Ireland under The Trade Boards Act, 1909, to deal with Irish industries; and whether he will adopt the same practice with regard to Scotland?


In accordance with the provisions of Section 2 (1) of the Trade Boards Act separate Trade Boards are being established in Ireland for paper box making and ready-made wholesale bespoke tailoring. The Act contains no similar provision with regard to Scotland, and after careful consideration, and after consultation with persons affected, it has been deemed undesirable to set up distinct boards for Scotland in the case of those trades for which Trade Boards have been established.


asked how many representatives Scotland has on the Trade Board appointed under the Trade Boards Act of 1909 to deal with the lace finishing trade; and if he will give the names of those appointed to represent the interests of that country?


The first Trade Board that has been established in the lace trade is concerned with a branch of the trade which, so far as our information goes, is not carried on to any material extent in Scotland. There are consequently no Scottish representatives on this Board.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that this trade is largely carried on in Ayrshire?


If my hon. Friend will bring information to my notice I will give it attention. My information is that this particular branch is not carried on to any very large extent in Scotland.