HC Deb 21 February 1911 vol 21 cc1712-3

asked the Secretary for War whether he was aware that the Territorial rifle ranges at Bromeswell, Suffolk, and Gilbertfield, near Cambuslang, have been closed owing to the action of the Woodbridge and Kirkhill golf clubs, respectively, in encroaching with their golf links upon the danger areas; if he can state the number of years that these ranges have been in use, and if any accidents have ever been reported in the past in connection with them; whether other ranges will now have to be provided out of public funds for the musketry training of the Territorials who formerly used these ranges; and, if so, whether he will consider the advisability of introducing some statutory provisions to prevent such action by golf clubs in the future?


I am aware that these ranges have had to be closed owing to the action of the golf clubs mentioned, which encroached upon the danger area. Both ranges have been in use for about fifty years, and no accidents had been recorded on them. In the former case a new range has been provided at an increased cost; in the latter case the provision of a new range is now under consideration, involving further expenditure. These are not the only cases in which the encroachments of golf clubs have brought about the closing of ranges.


Will the right hon. Gentleman hold out any hope to the House that steps will be taken to prevent a recurrence of this encroachment?


I do not know, but I believe that the golf clubs are very powerful bodies, and are supported not only elsewhere but in this House. We are taking all the steps we can to get ranges wherever we can.