§ Mr. CHARLES BATHURSTasked when it is proposed officially to make known to the Government the scheme of horse-breeding for national requirements to the leading agricultural societies, farmers' clubs, and chambers of agriculture in Great Britain; and whether details of the scheme will be made known by the Board for the information of prospective breeders before this year's breeding season begins?
§ Sir E. STRACHEYDetails of the scheme are being elaborated as speedily as possible, and, as they are settled, they will be announced in the newspapers. But I will consider whether, as suggested by the hon. Member, leading agricultural bodies cannot be directly informed. As much as possible will be done to make the scheme operative during this year's breeding season.
§ Mr. C. BATHURSTIs the hon. Baronet satisfied that the announcement in the newspapers will be sufficient to reach the tenant farmers and small holders mainly concerned in this matter?
§ Sir E. STRACHEYThat matter is being considered.
Sir GILBERT PARKERDo the Government intend to advertise in the Press, or simply make communications to the Press?
§ Sir E. STRACHEYWe intend to send communications to the Press. Of course, the Board will have to consider whether or not it is desirable to advertise.