HC Deb 15 February 1911 vol 21 cc1179-81

Resolved, "That the Committee of Public Accounts do consist of Fifteen Members:

That Mr. Ashton, Sir Robert Balfour, Mr. Rowland Barran, Mr. Brady, Sir John Brigg, Mr. Carlile, Mr. Courthope, Mr. Hazleton, Sir Clement Hill, Mr. Hob-house, Mr. Jessel, Earl of Kerry, Mr. Sidney Robinson, Mr. Walsh, and Colonel Williams be Members of the said Committee;

That the Committee have power to send for persons, papers, and records;

That Five be the quorum."—[Master of Elibank.]


I beg to move "That the House do now adjourn."


I beg to ask the Parliamentary Secretary in what order the Estimates will be put down? Will they be in the order in which they are on the Paper, or in any other order? I shall have some further observations to make later on, but I will say now that I think the Opposition have been treated with great discourtesy and in a most improper manner. Towards the conclusion of the Debate an hon. Member got up on the Opposition side, and in deference to appeals made to him sat down in order to allow a new Member to have an opportunity of speaking. Later on the Chief Secretary for Ireland had the assurance to say that he had not time to reply to all the questions that were put to him, and then the Prime Minister moved the Closure. Such proceedings are an outrage on the House.


I must remind the Noble Lord that he must not attack the Prime Minister in regard to the Closure. It was the act of the House.


I am aware it is the act of the House, and that the House acts under the guidance of the Chair, having regard to the rights of minorities. But I am entitled to make this observation—that we are at the beginning of a Session in which feeling will run very high, and if the majority exercise their powers in the way in which they have shown a disposition to exercise them, without doubt serious disorder will result. We are here with all the rights of representatives of the British people, and we are not going to be trampled underfoot.


As to the order in which the Votes will be taken, after consultation with the Chief Opposition Whip, we propose to take the Supplementary Estimates in the order in which they are on the Paper.

Question put, and agreed to.

Adjourned accordingly at Twenty-seven minutes after Eleven o'clock.