HC Deb 13 February 1911 vol 21 cc671-2

asked the Secretary to the Colonies if he would state what steps are being taken with a view of providing adequate arrangements for the reception and entertainment of Members of Parliament who will be visiting this country for the Coronation from the different Dominions as guests of the House of Commons?


The reception and entertainment of the guests in question is being arranged for by the hon. Members who have taken part in the generous invitation; but I shall not, when the time comes, fail to make every possible arrangement for securing the due recognition of these distinguished and welcome visitors.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he has utilised the whole of the £20,000 allotted some years ago for the entertainment of visitors to these shores, and, if so, whether he proposes to apply to the Treasury for a further grant?


The Government Entertainment Fund is no longer under my control, and I think the hon. Member had better put a question down.