Mr. MacCALLUM SCOTTasked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware that on 24th October Captain Alexander Henderson Chalmers, senior boarding officer in the master attendant's office, Singapore, was fined $50 by one of His British Majesty's magistrates at Singapore—namely, Mr. A. de Mella, for assaulting Mr. A, W. Gooneratne, a Ceylon man who is chief clerk at the Siamese Consulate, Singapore; whether this magistrate, Mr. A. de Mella, entered the Civil Service before the present regulation excluding all British subjects who are not of pure European descent on both sides came into force; whether he would be excluded by the present regulations; and whether the Colonial Office has any control over Captain Alexander Henderson Chalmers?
Mr. HARCOURTThe answer to the first part of this question is in the negative, and the answer to the second and third parts in the affirmative. Mr. Chalmers is under the control of the Secretary of State to the same extent as any other officer in the Colonial Service.
Mr. MacCALLUM SCOTTMay I ask whether the Secretary of State has taken any steps with regard to the matter?
Mr. HARCOURTNo, Sir. As I have informed you in answer to the first part of the question, the matter has not been brought to my notice.
Mr. HARCOURTInquire of whom, of the gentlemen who are connected or of the gentleman who convicted him?
Mr. MacCALLUM SCOTTDoes the right hon. Gentleman ask me to tell him the proper channels to make inquiries in his office?